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Problème Sous Fsd Écran Noire Rgh Sur Trinity

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Salut all ;)


Grosse prise de tête avec un RGH slim Trinty 162xx, j'en ai fait plus d'une ;)mais là !


Voilà je fais le dump et j'ai un Bad block à bad block at 0xd2 (raw offset 0x362400), block ignored copying nanddump data from block 0x3ff to block 0xd2 for file extraction integrity block 0xd2 was remapped to block 0x3ff at remap instance 0 done!

Remappé par Jrunner je l'ai mis à jour ce jour sans info négative lors du remappe, je programme ça boot sur la nand hackée je mets tous les softs dessus par une clé usb préparée, le tout comme d'hab, freestyle ne veut pas booter dessus, dashlounch est bien configurer


Je me dis c'est freestyle qui merde pour une raison X ( ne pas rire )je le remplace par une neuf du net toujours le même problème, je me dis je vais booter dessus par Xexmenu pas moyen, je me dis je vais booter sur le freestyle de ma clé usb idem impossible. Tout fonctionne par Xexmenu émus, jeux, apps sauf freestyle


Aurez vous une idée ? Le Bad block pourrait il merder le truc ?


Je pourrais toujours remmettre la console d'origine faire la dernière mise à jour officeille et refaire une nand hackée mais je ne sais pas si j'avancerai ou pas ;)


Voilà une copie du log de j-runner:


base path changed to C:\Users\Eric\Desktop\Boost Softs RGH nand\Xecuter soft glith\J-Runner_v3_beta_2\xeBuild

---- { Image Build Mode } ----

building glitch2 image

<enter> key on completion suppressed

data directory overridden from command line to '16537\'

per build directory overridden from command line to 'data\'

file name overridden from command line to 'C:\Users\Eric\Desktop\Boost Softs RGH nand\Xecuter soft glith\J-RunnerV02(288)CorePack\253838602005\updflash.bin'


------ parsing user ini at 'data\options.ini' ------

loading file...done!

pre-parsing and sanitizing


User options.ini loaded, 0x1b0 bytes in memory

loading cpukey.txt from data\cpukey.txt

CPU Key set to: 0x416xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxF03 (weight:0x35 valid; ecd: valid)

setting 1blkey from ini: 0xDDxxxxxxxxxxxx3EFA

1BL Key set to : 0xDDxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx68563EFA sum: 0x983 (expects: 0x983)

xex Key set to : 0x20xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx896BF91 sum: 0x800 (expects: 0x800)

Using patchsmc option (ini file)


------ parsing ini at '16537\_glitch2.ini' ------

ini version 16537


ini: label [trinitybl] found

found (1) 'cba_9188.bin' crc: 0x5a76752d

found (2) 'cbb_9188.bin' crc: 0xfebb1074

found (3) 'cd_9452.bin' crc: 0x455fa02c

found (4) 'ce_1888.bin' crc: 0xff9b60df

found (5) 'cf_16537.bin' crc: 0xd2f70347

found (6) 'cg_16537.bin' crc: 0xcf8a8c3c

ini dictates dual CB for this model


ini: label [flashfs] found

found (1) 'aac.xexp' crc: 0x340f017f

found (2) 'bootanim.xex' crc: 0x1a64dd1c

found (3) 'createprofile.xex' crc: 0xbb5dfa34

found (4) 'dash.xex' crc: 0x40671195

found (5) 'deviceselector.xex' crc: 0xf80b066f

found (6) 'gamerprofile.xex' crc: 0xb55d0d4f

found (7) 'hud.xex' crc: 0xd1e27e82

found (8) 'huduiskin.xex' crc: 0x98c75ba1

found (9) 'mfgbootlauncher.xex' crc: 0x773ee67d

found (10) 'minimediaplayer.xex' crc: 0x0411007d

found (11) 'nomni.xexp' crc: 0x323c6e47

found (12) 'nomnifwk.xexp' crc: 0xbe5a4208

found (13) 'nomnifwm.xexp' crc: 0xc9c3f0e0

found (14) 'SegoeXbox-Light.xtt' crc: 0xe0ee6049

found (15) 'signin.xex' crc: 0x4dd243b2

found (16) 'updater.xex' crc: 0xe93cef2e

found (17) 'vk.xex' crc: 0xac383a80

found (18) 'xam.xex' crc: 0x18496d9a

found (19) 'xenonclatin.xtt' crc: 0xd5d17ff5

found (20) 'xenonclatin.xttp' crc: 0x7a507ad1

found (21) 'xenonjklatin.xtt' crc: 0xdde4a14c

found (22) 'xenonjklatin.xttp' crc: 0xe2adddfb

found (23) 'ximecore.xex' crc: 0xc558548c

found (24) 'ximedic.xex' crc: 0x1d992bfb

found (25) 'ximedic.xexp' crc: 0x4da51d92

found (26) '..\launch.xex' crc: 0x00000000

found (27) '..\lhelper.xex' crc: 0x00000000

found (28) '..\launch.ini' crc: 0x00000000


ini: label [security] found

found (1) 'crl.bin' crc: 0x00000000

found (2) 'dae.bin' crc: 0x00000000

found (3) 'extended.bin' crc: 0x00000000

found (4) 'fcrt.bin' crc: 0x00000000

found (5) 'secdata.bin' crc: 0x00000000

------ ini parsing completed ------


output name overridden to: C:\Users\Eric\Desktop\Boost Softs RGH nand\Xecuter soft glith\J-RunnerV02(288)CorePack\253xxxxxxx005\updflash.bin


1BL RSA pub key file is not available, signature checks will not be performed

PIRS RSA pub key file is not available, signature checks will not be performed

MASTER RSA pub key file is not available, signature checks will not be performed


------ Checking data\nanddump.bin ------

data\nanddump.bin file size: 0x1080000

nanddump header checks passed OK!

Loading NAND dump (0x1080000 bytes)...done!

Detecting NAND controller type from dump data...

NAND dump is from a small block machine

NAND dump uses big block controller

parsing dump into user and spare...

bad block at 0xd2 (raw offset 0x362400), block ignored

copying nanddump data from block 0x3ff to block 0xd2 for file extraction integrity

block 0xd2 was remapped to block 0x3ff at remap instance 0


cleaning up stray remaps


--remap summary--

0: source: 0x00d2 dest: 0x03ff


decrypting KeyVault at address 0x4000 of size 0x4000

keyvault decrypted OK, will use if no kv.bin is provided

decrypting SMC at address 0x1000 of size 0x3000

SMC decrypted OK, will use if no external smc.bin is provided

seeking smc config in dump...found at offset 0xf7c000! Using if no smc config is provided.

CF slot 0 decrypted ok LDV 0x05 Pairing: 0x40ab4f

CF slot 1 decrypted ok LDV 0x06 Pairing: 0x40ab4f

setting LDV from image to 6

setting pairing data from image to 0x40ab4f

pairing set to: 40 ab 4f

MobileB.dat found at page 0x4360, size 2048 (0x800) bytes

MobileC.dat found at page 0x4d40, size 512 (0x200) bytes

MobileD.dat found at page 0x1240, size 2048 (0x800) bytes

MobileE.dat found at page 0x4180, size 2048 (0x800) bytes

Statistics.settings found at page 0x7bc0, size 4096 (0x1000) bytes

seeking FSRoot...fsroot found at page 0x42c0 raw offset 0x89ac00

seeking security files...

crl.bin found in sector 0x327 size 0xa00...verified! Will use if external file not found.

dae.bin found in sector 0x2b8 size 0xde60...verified! Will use if external file not found.

extended.bin found in sector 0x215 size 0x4000...verified! Will use if external file not found.

fcrt.bin found in sector 0x353 size 0x4000...verified! Will use if external file not found.

secdata.bin found in sector 0x2b6 size 0x400...verified! Will use if external file not found.


Writing initial header to flash image


------ loading system update container ------

16537\su20076000_00000000 found, loading...done!

Read 0xb34000 bytes to memory

checking integrity...

header seems valid, version 2.0.16537.0

header hash is OK, checking content hashes...

content hashes seem OK, everything looks good!

extracted SUPD\xboxupd.bin (0x7a010 bytes)

decrypting SUPD\xboxupd.bin\CF_16537.bin (0x4560 bytes)...done!

decrypting SUPD\xboxupd.bin\CG_16537.bin (0x75aa2 bytes)...done!


------ Loading bootloaders and required security files ------

reading data\smc.bin failed, using smc.bin from nand dump

reset smc load address to 0x1000 size 0x3000

reading data\kv.bin failed, using kv.bin from nand dump

reading .\common\cba_9188.bin (0x1ac0 bytes)

loaded cba_9188.bin, could not check signature rsa key not present!

reading .\common\cbb_9188.bin (0x7800 bytes)

reading .\common\cd_9452.bin (0x4f20 bytes)

reading .\common\ce_1888.bin (0x5606a b pad 0x56070 B)

reading data\xell-gggggg.bin (0x40000 bytes)

extracted SUPD\xboxupd.bin\CF_16537.bin (0x4560 bytes)

extracted SUPD\xboxupd.bin\CG_16537.bin (0x75aa2 bytes)

reading 16537\bin\patches_g2trinity.bin (0x884 bytes)

reading data\smc_config.bin failed, using smc_config.bin from nand dump


checking smc_config


extracting config


SMC config info:


Target temps: Cpu: 82øC Gpu: 78øC Edram: 76øC

Max temps : Cpu: 89øC Gpu: 82øC Edram: 82øC

Cpu Fan : (auto)

Gpu Fan : (auto)

MAC Address : 00:25:ae:7c:72:aa

AVRegion : 0x00000300 (PAL50)

GameRegion : 0x02fe (PAL/EU)

DVDRegion : 2

resetKey : XAUD


Checking for smc config data patches

smc config was not patched


could not check signature of cba_9188.bin, 1BL RSA key not present!


patch slot offset reset to: 0xb0000


------ Patching BLs and modifying patches ------

Patching BLs...Done!


------ Patching boot reasons and options into flash header ------

Patching header for xell power reason


------ Encrypting and finalizing bootloaders ------

encoding smc.bin size 0x3000

SMC checksum: f9c96639

known clean SMC found, type: Trinity v5.1(3.01)

patching SMC reset limit at offset: 0x13b3

SMC reset limit patched successfully!

encoding kv.bin size 0x4000

decrypted keyvault has been set for reference

Master RSA pub not available, not checking hash

encoding cba_9188.bin size 0x1ac0

encoding cbb_9188.bin size 0x7800

CB 9188 seq 0x03010001 type: 0x03 cseq: 0x01 allow: 0x0001

expected fuses:


fuseset 01: 0F0F0F0F0F0FF0F0

fuseset 02: F000000000000000 (sequence)

fuseset 02: F000000000000000 (allow cseq 1)

**dual CB flag detected!**

encoding cd_9452.bin size 0x5290

encoding ce_1888.bin size 0x56070

encoding xell-gggggg.bin size 0x40000

encoding cf_16537.bin size 0x4560

encoding cg_16537.bin size 0x75ab0

encoding patches_g2trinity.bin size 0x4b8



------ Adding bootloaders to flash image ------

adding smc.bin at raw offset 0x00001000 len 0x3000 (end 0x4000)

adding kv.bin at raw offset 0x00004000 len 0x4000 (end 0x8000)

adding cba_9188.bin at raw offset 0x00008000 len 0x1ac0 (end 0x9ac0)

adding cbb_9188.bin at raw offset 0x00009ac0 len 0x7800 (end 0x112c0)

adding cd_9452.bin at raw offset 0x000112c0 len 0x5290 (end 0x16550)

adding ce_1888.bin at raw offset 0x00016550 len 0x56070 (end 0x6c5c0)

adding xell-gggggg.bin at raw offset 0x00070000 len 0x40000 (end 0xb0000)

adding cf_16537.bin at raw offset 0x000b0000 len 0x4560 (end 0xb4560)

adding cg_16537.bin at raw offset 0x000b4560 len 0x75ab0 (end 0xc0000, rest in fs)

adding patches_g2trinity.bin at raw offset 0x000c0010 len 0x4b8 (end 0xc04c8)

Fixing up FS table...done!

Writing zeropair CG patch slot overflow data to sysupdate.xexp1

at raw offset 0xd0000 len 0x0006a010 (end: 0x0013a010)...done!


------ adding 28 firmware files ------

extracted SUPD\aac.xexp (0x14000 bytes) (crc32: 0x340f017f ini: 0x340f017f)

adding as aac.xexp1 at raw offset 0x13a010 len 0x00014000 (end 0x0014e010)

extracted SUPD\bootanim.xex (0x61000 bytes) (crc32: 0x1a64dd1c ini: 0x1a64dd1c)

adding as bootanim.xex at raw offset 0x150000 len 0x00061000 (end 0x001b1000)

extracted SUPD\createprofile.xex (0xc000 bytes) (crc32: 0xbb5dfa34 ini: 0xbb5dfa34)

adding as createprofile.xex at raw offset 0x1b1000 len 0x0000c000 (end 0x001bd000)

extracted SUPD\dash.xex (0x597000 bytes) (crc32: 0x40671195 ini: 0x40671195)

adding as dash.xex at raw offset 0x1c0000 len 0x00597000 (end 0x00757000)

extracted SUPD\deviceselector.xex (0xa000 bytes) (crc32: 0xf80b066f ini: 0xf80b066f)

adding as deviceselector.xex at raw offset 0x757000 len 0x0000a000 (end 0x00761000)

extracted SUPD\gamerprofile.xex (0x1b000 bytes) (crc32: 0xb55d0d4f ini: 0xb55d0d4f)

adding as gamerprofile.xex at raw offset 0x762000 len 0x0001b000 (end 0x0077d000)

extracted SUPD\hud.xex (0x1d000 bytes) (crc32: 0xd1e27e82 ini: 0xd1e27e82)

adding as hud.xex at raw offset 0x77f000 len 0x0001d000 (end 0x0079c000)

extracted SUPD\huduiskin.xex (0x14000 bytes) (crc32: 0x98c75ba1 ini: 0x98c75ba1)

adding as huduiskin.xex at raw offset 0x79d000 len 0x00014000 (end 0x007b1000)

extracted SUPD\mfgbootlauncher.xex (0x8000 bytes) (crc32: 0x773ee67d ini: 0x773ee67d)

adding as mfgbootlauncher.xex at raw offset 0x7b4000 len 0x00008000 (end 0x007bc000)

extracted SUPD\minimediaplayer.xex (0xc000 bytes) (crc32: 0x0411007d ini: 0x0411007d)

adding as minimediaplayer.xex at raw offset 0x7bc000 len 0x0000c000 (end 0x007c8000)

extracted SUPD\nomni.xexp (0xc800 bytes) (crc32: 0x323c6e47 ini: 0x323c6e47)

adding as nomni.xexp1 at raw offset 0x7c8000 len 0x0000c800 (end 0x007d4800)

extracted SUPD\nomnifwk.xexp (0x2000 bytes) (crc32: 0xbe5a4208 ini: 0xbe5a4208)

adding as nomnifwk.xexp1 at raw offset 0x7d4800 len 0x00002000 (end 0x007d6800)

extracted SUPD\nomnifwm.xexp (0x5000 bytes) (crc32: 0xc9c3f0e0 ini: 0xc9c3f0e0)

adding as nomnifwm.xexp1 at raw offset 0x7da000 len 0x00005000 (end 0x007df000)

extracted SUPD\SegoeXbox-Light.xtt (0x6000 bytes) (crc32: 0xe0ee6049 ini: 0xe0ee6049)

adding as SegoeXbox-Light.xtt at raw offset 0x7e1000 len 0x00006000 (end 0x007e7000)

extracted SUPD\signin.xex (0x19000 bytes) (crc32: 0x4dd243b2 ini: 0x4dd243b2)

adding as signin.xex at raw offset 0x7ea000 len 0x00019000 (end 0x00803000)

extracted SUPD\updater.xex (0x7000 bytes) (crc32: 0xe93cef2e ini: 0xe93cef2e)

adding as updater.xex at raw offset 0x805000 len 0x00007000 (end 0x0080c000)

extracted SUPD\vk.xex (0xb000 bytes) (crc32: 0xac383a80 ini: 0xac383a80)

adding as vk.xex at raw offset 0x80f000 len 0x0000b000 (end 0x0081a000)

extracted SUPD\xam.xex (0x253000 bytes) (crc32: 0x18496d9a ini: 0x18496d9a)

adding as xam.xex at raw offset 0x81b000 len 0x00253000 (end 0x00a6e000)

extracted nanddump\xenonclatin.xtt (0x11b000 bytes) (crc32: 0xd5d17ff5 ini: 0xd5d17ff5)

adding as xenonclatin.xtt at raw offset 0xa6f000 len 0x0011b000 (end 0x00b8a000)

extracted SUPD\xenonclatin.xttp (0x18000 bytes) (crc32: 0x7a507ad1 ini: 0x7a507ad1)

adding as xenonclatin.xttp1 at raw offset 0xb8b000 len 0x00018000 (end 0x00ba3000)

extracted nanddump\xenonjklatin.xtt (0x1a8000 bytes) (crc32: 0xdde4a14c ini: 0xdde4a14c)

adding as xenonjklatin.xtt at raw offset 0xba4000 len 0x001a8000 (end 0x00d4c000)

extracted SUPD\xenonjklatin.xttp (0x7000 bytes) (crc32: 0xe2adddfb ini: 0xe2adddfb)

adding as xenonjklatin.xttp1 at raw offset 0xd4c000 len 0x00007000 (end 0x00d53000)

extracted SUPD\ximecore.xex (0x17000 bytes) (crc32: 0xc558548c ini: 0xc558548c)

adding as ximecore.xex at raw offset 0xd53000 len 0x00017000 (end 0x00d6a000)

extracted nanddump\ximedic.xex (0x90000 bytes) (crc32: 0x1d992bfb ini: 0x1d992bfb)

adding as ximedic.xex at raw offset 0xd6b000 len 0x00090000 (end 0x00dfb000)

extracted SUPD\ximedic.xexp (0x2800 bytes) (crc32: 0x4da51d92 ini: 0x4da51d92)

adding as ximedic.xexp1 at raw offset 0xdfc000 len 0x00002800 (end 0x00dfe800)

reading 16537\..\launch.xex (0xc800 bytes)

adding as launch.xex at raw offset 0xdfe800 len 0x0000c800 (end 0x00e0b000)

reading 16537\..\lhelper.xex (0x6000 bytes)

adding as lhelper.xex at raw offset 0xe0c800 len 0x00006000 (end 0x00e12800)

***** could not read file '..\launch.ini', skipping *****


------ adding 5 security files ------

<- Processing crl.bin ->

reading data\crl.bin (0xa00 bytes)

crl appears crypted, attempting to decrypt with CPU key...failed! Trying alternate key...success!

adding as crl.bin at raw offset 0xe18000 len 0x00000a00 (end 0x00e18a00)


<- Processing dae.bin ->

reading data\dae.bin (0xad30 bytes)

dae appears encrypted, attempting to decrypt with CPU key...failed! Attempting to decrypt with alternate key...


adding as dae.bin at raw offset 0xe1c000 len 0x0000ad30 (end 0x00e26d30)


<- Processing extended.bin ->

reading data\extended.bin (0x4000 bytes)

adding as extended.bin at raw offset 0xe28000 len 0x00004000 (end 0x00e2c000)


<- Processing fcrt.bin ->

could not read fcrt.bin, using data from previous parse...

adding as fcrt.bin at raw offset 0xe2c000 len 0x00004000 (end 0x00e30000)


<- Processing secdata.bin ->

reading data\secdata.bin (0x400 bytes)

adding as secdata.bin at raw offset 0xe30000 len 0x00000400 (end 0x00e30400)


------ checking for Mobile*.dat ------

MobileB.dat found, adding from previous parse

adding MobileB.dat as type 0x31 at raw offset 0xe34000 len 0x800 (end 0xe34800)

MobileC.dat found, adding from previous parse

adding MobileC.dat as type 0x32 at raw offset 0xe38000 len 0x200 (end 0xe38200)

MobileD.dat found, adding from previous parse

adding MobileD.dat as type 0x33 at raw offset 0xe3c000 len 0x800 (end 0xe3c800)

MobileE.dat found, adding from previous parse

adding MobileE.dat as type 0x34 at raw offset 0xe40000 len 0x800 (end 0xe40800)

Statistics.settings found, adding from previous parse

adding Statistics.settings at raw offset 0xf78000 len 0x1000 (end 0xf79000)


------ adding smc_config.bin ------

adding smc config to offset 0x00f7c000, len 0x400


------ finalizing image ------

Fixing up empty FS block entries...done!

Writing FS table to image offset 0xe44000 len 0x4000 (end 0xe48000)...done!

fixing up big block controller on small block NAND LBA numbers...done!

calculating ECD bytes and assembling raw image...done!

remapping 1 blocks

copying 0x4200 bytes of LBA 0xd2 to block 0x3ff...zero fill origin...done!

done remapping!


------ writing image to disk ------

writing file 'C:\Users\Eric\Desktop\Boost Softs RGH nand\Xecuter soft glith\J-RunnerV02(288)CorePack\253838602005\updflash.bin' to disk...done!


C:\Users\Eric\Desktop\Boost Softs RGH nand\Xecuter soft glith\J-RunnerV02(288)CorePack\253838602005\updflash.bin image built, info:


Kernel : 2.0.16537.0

Console : Trinity

NAND size : 16MiB

Build : Glitch (v2)

Xell : power on console with console eject button

Serial : 2xxxxxx2005

ConsoleId : 0xxxxxxx1780

MoboSerial: 725626B222600195

Mfg Date : 05/09/2010

CPU Key : 416xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0F03

1BL Key : DD88xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx63EFA

DVD Key : D4FExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11D62

CF LDV : 6

KV type : type2 (hashed - unchecked, master key not available)


xeBuild Finished. Have a nice day.




Merci, bye pp

Edited by pp_ricket
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aucun lien entre fsd et la nand ;) ( surtout si elle boot bien )


teste une autre résolution a tout hasard.


sinon, choppe F3installer ( rep a coller dans content/0000000000000000 ) et lance le.


tu coches update and install fsd, et tu coches delete existing instal ( on un truc du genre )


saute l'etape dashlaunch si tu l'as inclut a la nand.

Edited by TraitPlat
petite modif ;)
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Oui pas de probleme c'est pour un pote cette console pas presse je testerai cela:


- la resolution meme si je doute car tout le reste est ok

- le FSD installer un lien pour chopper le bon


Ce qui me tue c'est que c'est pas la 1ère que je fais comme celà par contre avec ce nouveau FSD j'en ai fait que 1 ou 2 :(


Merci all ;)



Bye pp

Edited by TraitPlat
petite modif :)
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Voilà tout est rentre dans l'ordre, le nouveau jrunner pose problème chez moi des bugs par moment.

A l'instal de Jrunner NOD32 me trouve une merde dedans même si je supprime rien, est ce que ça vient de là ...


Je suis repasse en dernier dash officiel puis en nand hackée avec AutoGG, le tout fonctionne bien l'ancien freestyle comme le nouveau.


Bye pp

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Ha bon et qui d'autre ;)


Bye pp

ha ben il ya moi mais ça a été plus radical ..ça a commencé avec la dernière v2 (289) ,qui a toujours bien marché ,j'ai téléchargé la mise à jour pour le kernel 16537 avec succés mais quand j'ai voulu faire une nand hacké il ne trouvait pas le kernel en question...j'ai vu qu'ils avaient sorti la vesion 3 béta 1 et là c'est simple il m'a trouvé une érreur et ne me proposait de fermer ou d'annuler ,j'ai donc récupéré la dernière version de xébuild et je l'ai créé sans problème ,j'ai pas fait le raprochement avec ton souçi car si j'ai bien compris jrunner t'a créé une nand en carton ,c'est étonnant car une nand moisie c'est led centrale rouge ,il semble que jrunner t'ai entrainé dans un piège à la con avec en plus la v3 béta 2 qui visiblement a des souçis plus enmerdant... :D..

Edited by angepit
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Je touche du bois car j'utilise J-Runner a chaque fois (car NAND-X) et j'en est même fait un rgh2 la semaine dernière avec la dernière version de JR et j'ai pas eu de soucis sur les NAND générées.

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